Praying the 5 Alive Way

hands over bible in prayer

There is no greater power given to us from God than the ability to pray. It may astound some that are reading this, but God actually loves to hear from his people. Furthermore, God is at the ready not only to hear prayer, but answer it. And answer it He will. Prayer is not making a wish and seeing it come to pass. Prayer is conversing with the Almighty. It is entering the majesty of His holy presence and uttering requests and petitions on the behalf of a needy person and for a needy people.


In order to do this, a person must have faith. That is what these messages is all about. The following are ways that Praying the 5 Alive Way will help your congregation.


Grow Faith


In order to pray effectively, a person must have faith. The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. 

Hebrews tells us that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

How do you see God? What kind of faith do you really have? We explore this concept and help the people of God look at their faith and also discuss how to see their faith grow. 

Become More Christlike


Prayer involves knowing what God says and making a conscious effort to please Him. Prayer is the place where we find our hearts bending to His will. Knowing God’s will for your life is an important topic that every believer needs to consider. A growing Christian is someone who who wants to please their Savior in their life and grow closer to Him. This always involves sacrifice. In order for us to move closer to where God wants us to be, we must be willing and yielding to the Spirit of God.

The good news is God helps us get there. Where are you in your walk with Him? Have you or your church become stagnant? Is your faith wavering? Praying the 5 Alive Way can reignite your congregation to see God in all His glory.



This message is designed to reinforce and teach believers of all ages the purpose and power of prayer.  It teaches the basic elements of prayer and encourages Christians to establish prayer as a habit in their lives.

God has established prayer as a means for us to communicate with him. Through prayer, we can praise God, ask for forgiveness, thank God for all He’s done, and let our requests be made known to Him. Prayer allows us to open our hearts to God and let him know our innermost thoughts and desires. This message covers all of this and more.


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